ISHG Council 2009

PRESIDENT: Collette Hand (UCC: linkage and medical genetics)
SECRETARY: Anne Parle-McDermott (DCU: nutritional genetics)

Frank Barry (UCG: gene therapy)
Tony Bjourson (UUJ: Genetics)
Tabib Dabir (Clinical Geneticist, Belfast City Hospital)
Sean Ennis (UCD & NCMG, Medical Genetics)
Lisa Jeffers (Genetic Counsellor, Belfast City Hospital)
Sally-Ann Lynch (Clinical Geneticist, Our Lady's Hospital for Sick Children)
Peter McGrattan (Cytogeneticist, NI Regional Genetics Centre)
Alice Stanton (Clinical pharmacology/cardiology RCSI)
Derek Morris (TCD: Psychiatric genetics)
Caitriona King (NCMG Crumlin, diagnostic molecular scientist)

ISHG 2009 Award winners

The following prizes were awarded at the ISHG Conference on 18 September 2009.

Young Investigator Award (Best Postgraduate Oral Presentation)
Jillian Casey, UCD

Best Postgraduate Poster Presentation
Emma Quinn, TCD

Best Postdoctoral Oral Presentation
Graeme Clark, QUB

Best Postdoctoral Oral Presentation
Ciara Vangjeli, RCSI

Outcomes from the Conference

The 2009 ISHG Conference in Dublin was a hugely successful and enjoyable event, and we are very grateful to our speakers and everyone else involved. A special word of thanks is due to our sponsors, without whom the event would not have been possible.


Medical Supply

ISHG 12th Annual Scientific Meeting, 18/09/2009

The Irish Society of Human Genetics held its 12th Annual Scientific Meeting on Friday the 18th September 2009 in the Nursing Building at Dublin City University. This year's conference was a great success.

Library, Dublin City University


10.00 – 11.00 Registration / Tea and Coffee

11.00 – 11.05 Welcome

11.05 – 12.00 Plenary I: Clinical Research - 4 Spoken Presentations:

12.00 – 13.00 Keynote address

“Ophthalmo-acromelic syndromes in mouse and man” - Dr. David FitzPatrick
MRC Human Genetics Unit, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh

13.00 – 14.00 Lunch and Poster viewing

13.45 – 14.00 Council Meeting

14.00 – 15.30 Plenary II: Basic Research- 6 Spoken Presentations:

15.30 – 16.00 Tea and coffee / Poster viewing

16.00 – 16.15 Business Meeting

16.15 – 17.15 Keynote address:

“Mapping complex traits-The human and canine genetic systems” - Dr Elaine Ostrander
National Human Genome Research Institute, NIH, USA

17.15 – 18.00 Wine reception / Presentation of Prizes / Meeting Close

REGISTRATION FORM (includes membership)
MEMBERSHIP FORM (if you're NOT attending the conference)

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