ISHG Conference 2010

The 13th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Irish Society of Human Genetics meeting will take place in Belfast City Hospital on FRIDAY 10th SEPTEMBER, so please mark your diaries asap. We have secured 2 excellent international speakers as follows:

Prof. Arnold Munnich,
Hopital Necker-Enfants Malade and University Paris-Descartes.

Prof. David Schwartz,
University of Wisconsin-Madison, US.

*We are now CALLING for ABSTRACTS for the meeting. Please fill out the abstract form below and EMAIL to by FRIDAY 11th JUNE. Abstract selection will be announced in July.

Please forward this information to all your colleagues with an interest in Human Genetics. The European Society of Human Genetics (ESHG) has provided a fellowship for the best postgraduate oral presentation at the previous two meetings for attendance at their annual meeting. It is likely that this will also be offered this year.

The membership/registration forms are also below. Please note that this year you have the option of joining the European Society for Human Genetics for an addition €35.