The German Society of Proteome Research are hosting the Proteomic Forum on 22-25 March 2015 in Berlin, Germany. Please see the following link for further information.

Programme for the Irish Society of Human Genetics 2014 annual meeting

The final programme for the Irish Society of Human Genetics 2014 annual scientific meeting is now available via the following link. 

EAP Educational Congress & MasterCourse, Oslo, Norway, September 17-20, 2015

EAP is very happy to announce that the EAP Congress & MasterCourse will be held in Oslo, Norway on September 17-20, 2015. 

The Scientific Committee is developing a program with topics covering all areas of interest in the field of paediatrics and the congress will provide the most updated, state-of-the-art information on the latest developments in research and clinical practice in the main areas of Paediatrics.

The EAP 2015 Congress &  MasterCourse will bring together professionals from the fields of Adolescent Medicine, Allergy and Immunology, Critical/Emergency Care, Endocrine and Diabetes, Gastroenterology and Nutrition, Genetic and Metabolic, Hemato-Oncology, Infectious Diseases, Neonatology, Nephrology, Neurology, Paediatric Tropical Medicine, Primary Care, Obesity Respiratory and Rheumatology.

We would appreciate your consideration and support of the EAP 2015 Congress & MasterCourse having cross promotional activities:

·         To include the EAP 2015 link / banner on your Society’s national website
·         Publicise our Congress & MasterCourse on your event calendar
·         Send a newsletter on our behalf to your members, informing them about our Congress and MasterCourse
·         To support and promote the congress to your national society members
·         To promote the congress at every national or regional congress in your country/region. Promotional material can be provided in this regard.
In exchange for your support, we will:
  • List you as a Supporting Organisation and include your logo on the congress website and the Final programme
  • List any upcoming events that your organisation may have on the EAP 2015 Congress website and on the EAP Association website
  • Provide you with the opportunity to distribute your organisation’s marketing materials in either the delegate bags and/or on the future meetings table at the congress itself;

For further information about the Congress and MasterCourse, we invite you to visit the website:

Registration for ISHG annual scientific meeting, 5th September 2014 in St James Hospital, Dublin

Registration for the Irish Society of Human Genetics 2014 Annual Scientific Meeting is now open!

The conference will take place on Friday 5th September 2014 in the Trinity Health Sciences Building at St James’s Hospital Dublin. Two leading international scientists will give keynote lectures at this year's meeting: Prof. James R. Lupski of the Baylor College of Medicine, Texas and Prof. Bart Loeys of University of Ghent, Belgium.
In joining the ISHG you will be joining a group of people committed to furthering genetics in the clinical and academic arenas, and to the strengthening of the reputation of the whole island of Ireland in the field of human genetics.

Please attend the registration desk on Friday morning prior to the start of the meeting.

UPCP 2014

We are pleased to inform you that UPCP 2014 – Up Close and Personalized – The 3rd International Congress on Personalized Medicine will take place in Prague, Czech Republic from 26-29 June, 2014.

Following the great success of the previous meetings in Florence and Paris, the main focus of the third Up Close and Personalized Congress is to examine the essential clinical, genomic, proteomic, metabolomic, pharmacogenomic, biomarker data and imaging necessary to predict, prevent and treat major medical conditions concerning metabolism (diabetes and obesity), and cancer.

For further information about the Congress, please visit the website:

Illumina presents free e-learning webinar: ‘Genomics in Clinical Practice’

Illumina specialize in genomic testing in a number of therapeutic areas and currently they support a series of four ACCME accredited e-learning webinars for Physicians titled ‘Genomics in Clinical Practice’.  This series, which was developed and is currently launched by the American College of Medical Genetics (ACMG) in the US, aims to help physicians and other healthcare professionals who are not board-certified geneticists to understand genomics in the clinical setting.

The educational programs currently available as CME (Continuing Medical Education) e-learning webinars are:

 *   Cystic Fibrosis Carrier Screening
 *   Non-Invasive Prenatal Screening (NIPS)
 *   Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis and Screening (PGD/PGS)
 *   Understanding Your Genome: Genomics in Clinical Practice

The first three programs listed above consist of 2-3 hour webinars containing several modules which address different aspects of the application of genomic testing to the particular area of clinical use.  In addition the ACMG has also released a 3 hour recorded CME program as part of the series: Understanding Your Genome: Genomics in Clinical Practice Symposium, which focuses on the full spectrum of genetic testing applications, educating physicians on the basics of clinical genome and exome sequencing while explaining the utility these tests can have for patients. All of these CME programs are presented by recognized experts in the field.

Upcoming Meetings and Conferences

Some of these may be of interest...

The UCL Fisher Centre for Computational Biology is running termly half-day meetings, details of the latest at

European Mathematical Genetics Meeting April 1&2,  Cologne, Germany.  Abstract deadline is today:

Mathematical and Statistical Aspects of Molecular Biology, 9/10 April 2014, Sheffield, UK, abstracts close March 14,

BCGES  Annual Conference June 25 Kennedy LT, Institute of Child Health, details TBA

International Biometric Society, Florence, Italy, July 6-11 (abstracts already closed)

International Conference on Forensic Inference and Statistics, Leiden, Netherlands, August 19-22 Abstracts close Feb 20,

The International Genetic Epidemiology Society, Vienna, Austria, August 28-30, 2014. Abstracts close June 4,