New ISHG website

We have launched an official Irish Society of Human Genetics website. It is at and this blog will no longer be maintained. Please bookmark the new website as this will be the place to hear all news and details about the annual meetings. 

Registration is open for 2020

Registration for the ISHG2020 meeting on September 25th is now open on Eventbrite!

Register early to avail of discounted prices for the event. 

When you get the link, you can get familiar with the landing page before the event. You will be able to personalise your name with a bio and photo to aid interaction and networking on the day. 

All talks and posters are will be available after the event and you will also have the opportunity to talk with and ask our speakers your questions. We hope to introduce some unique features this year that can only be delivered on a virtual platform. 

We are really looking forward to the conference and engaging with as many of you as possible. 

See you in September! 

ISHG 2020 Virtual Conference

We are delighted to announce that ISHG2020 will be an online event.

ISHG2020 will be on Friday September 25th and is sure to be an exciting, fun and interactive experience. Registration details will follow shortly. 

With the event going online, it will be more accessible and have a larger than normal audience. We will have the posters available for viewing on the website both during and after the event, so there will be more time for our attendees to read your work. 

All abstracts selected for a presentation or poster will be published in the Irish Journal of Medical Science and will be Pubmed listed. 

We will have chatrooms and other fun events so that you can interact with each other, our speakers and sponsors and all from the comfort of home.

Abstracts will be accepted until Wednesday the 17th of June at midnight.