ISHG Council 2010

PRESIDENT: Collette Hand (Linkage & Medical Genetics, UCC)
SECRETARY: Anne Parle-McDermott (Nutritional Genetics, DCU)

Tony Bjourson (Genetics, UUJ)
Tabib Dabir (Clinical Geneticist, Belfast City Hospital)
Sean Ennis (Medical Genetics, UCD & NCMG)
Debbie Lambert (Genetic Counsellor, Children's University Hospital,
Temple St.)
Harinder Gill (Consultant in Medical Genetics, Our Lady's Hospital for
Sick Children)
Celine Gervin (Cytogeneticist, NI Regional Genetics Centre)
Alice Stanton (Clinical Pharmacology/Cardiology RCSI)
Derek Morris (Psychiatric Genetics, TCD)
Caitriona King (Diagnostic Molecular Scientist, NCMG Crumlin).

ISHG 2010 Award winners

The following prizes were awarded at the ISHG Conference on 10 September 2010.

ISHG Young Investigator Award, Best Postgrad Oral:
Mr. Praveen Surendran, UCD/RCSI.

Best Postdoc Oral:
Dr. Paul Cormican, St. James' TCD.

Best Postgrad Poster:
Ms. Evelyn Skehan, UCC.

Best Postdoc Poster:
Dr. Lisa Bradley, Belfast City Hospital.

Arnold Munnich and Sally-Ann Lynch

David Schwartz and Sean Ennis

Postdoc Winners

ISHG Conference 2010 Programme

The Final Programme for the ISHG Conference in Belfast on Friday 10 September 2010 is now available for download: [Click here]
[Image from]
We've got a stunning programme of presentations and posters lined up, together with keynote presentations from two outstanding international researchers.
10.00 – 10.55 Registration/ Tea and Coffee
10.55 Welcome
11.00 – 12.10 Oral presentations. Plenary I: Clinical research
12.10 – 13.00 Keynote address
‘Advances in human genetics: what benefits for the patients?’
Dr. Arnold Munnich, Hospital Necker-Enfants Malades and University Paris Descarte
13.00 – 14.00 Lunch (provided) and poster viewing
13.45 – 14.00 Council Meeting
14.00 – 15.15 Oral presentations. Plenary II: Basic research
15.15 – 15.45 Tea and Coffee / Poster Viewing
15.45 – 16.00 ISHG AGM
16.10 – 17.00 Keynote address:
‘A Singular View of the Genome’
Prof. David Schwartz, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
17.00 – 17.45 Wine Reception / Presentation of Prizes / Meeting Close
We look forward to seeing you there. Please see the posts below for how to register, although some places for late registrants will be available on the day.

Goldrain clinical cytogenetic courses

The 2010 Goldrain course in Clinical Cytogenetics has been announced.
Click here for the main meeting announcement and to download further information & application forms.

The Goldrain course is held at the beautiful Goldrain Castle in the Tyrol region of Italy, and is organised by Prof Albert Schinzel. The language of the course is English.

ISHG Conference 2010

The 13th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Irish Society of Human Genetics meeting will take place in Belfast City Hospital on FRIDAY 10th SEPTEMBER, so please mark your diaries asap. We have secured 2 excellent international speakers as follows:

Prof. Arnold Munnich,
Hopital Necker-Enfants Malade and University Paris-Descartes.

Prof. David Schwartz,
University of Wisconsin-Madison, US.

*We are now CALLING for ABSTRACTS for the meeting. Please fill out the abstract form below and EMAIL to by FRIDAY 11th JUNE. Abstract selection will be announced in July.

Please forward this information to all your colleagues with an interest in Human Genetics. The European Society of Human Genetics (ESHG) has provided a fellowship for the best postgraduate oral presentation at the previous two meetings for attendance at their annual meeting. It is likely that this will also be offered this year.

The membership/registration forms are also below. Please note that this year you have the option of joining the European Society for Human Genetics for an addition €35.


Anyone for BioEconomy?

This meeting is related to the HUGO meeting in Montpellier. Here's some information from the organisers:

One of the greatest promises of science today is for the harnessing of living processes for human health, for bioenergy, for environmental remediation, and for food production.

One possibility is that the new bioeonomy will be fundamentally based on genomics, genomic reconstruction, and computational systems biology. This symposium will examine the advancement of such genomic technologies and related bioinformatics platform, related economic opportunities in the internet, reconstruction of new organisms and the unlimited opportunities for enterprises to support discovery, production and services in this arena such as biofuels and genetically engineered food products.

HUGO, OECD and MRC have joined force to analyse this problem and to develop an analytical paper on the topic. This symposium will launch this effort.

If you would like more information, the website is here:

ISHG 2009 Abstracts now on-line

The ISHG09 abstracts have been published in the Ulster Medical Journal, and are now available here.

The reference is: Ulster Med J 2010;79(1):33-42

European School of Genetic Medicine courses

Several new courses are available from the ESGM - please visit their website for more details: