Core Management Workshop; Dublin. November 9-10.

A few spaces are still available for the Core Management Workshop, 9-10th November 2016. Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
The Cytometry Society of Ireland is hosting the Core Management Workshop on November 9-10th  2016. This workshop is intended for Shared Resource Lab Scientists and Core Managers from diverse disciplines (microscopy, flow cytometry, genomics, proteomics, comparative medicine etc.) to  come together and discuss common concerns: managing successful facilities, training and education, funding, charging, scheduling, collaborations, as well as discuss research and technology innovations in different fields. 

Speakers include: 
·         Jonni Moore, University of Pennsylvania, US
·         Rachael Walker, Babraham Institute, Cambridge, UK
·         Derek Davies The Francis Crick Institute, London, UK
·         Ian Brewis, Cardiff University, UK
·         Gill Marmelstein, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
·         Michael Kapinsky, Beckman Coulter
·         Andrew Filby, Newcastle University, UK
·         Lorenzo Pastrana, International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory, Braga, Portugal
·         Emmanuel Reynaud, University College Dublin, Ireland
·         Matthias Wilms, University College Dublin, Ireland
·         John Tigges, Beth Israel Medical Center, Harvard University, Boston, US

The workshop is limited to 50 delegates

For registration:       

Dublin Visitor Information:

For any questions contact:

ISHG prize winners!

Thank you to everyone who attended the ISHG annual meeting in Belfast.
Congratulations to our prize winners, pictured below.

From left to right:
Sarah-Jayne Mackin, Ulster University, winner of best postgraduate oral presentation
Mark McCormack, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, winner of best postdoctoral poster
Sudipto Das, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, winner of best postdoctoral oral presentation
Katherine Benson, Queen's University Belfast, winner of best postgraduate poster

ISHG 2016 programme and registration online

Our programme for the ISHG 2016 annual conference in Belfast City Hospital is now available from this link.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Registration can be paid on site.

Complex Trait Analysis of Next Generation Sequence Data Course

July 4-8, 2016
Max Delbrück Center (MDC) for Molecular Medicine
Berlin, Germany

The second annual course on Complex Trait Analysis of Next Generation Sequence Data will be held at the MDC in Berlin from July 4-8, 2016. The goal of the course is to teach course participants both the theory and application of methods to analyze next generation sequence (NGS) data for human complex traits. Attendees will learn how to design studies, call variants from NGS data, analysis of population- and trio- based sequence data and evaluation of variant functionality. Analyses will include performing complex trait rare variant association analysis for population and trio data. Exercises will be carried out using a variety of computer programs (GATK, IGV, Polyphen2, PSEQ, SEQPower, and Variant Association Tools (VAT)). TOPICS will be include: sequence alignment, calling variants from NGS data, quality control of NGS data, association testing framework for quantitative and qualitative traits (fixed effects, random effects and mixed models), rare variant association methods, estimating power and sample size for rare variant association studies, imputation of rare variants and evaluating variant functionality.

The instructors for the course are Suzanne Leal (Baylor College of Medicine) and Michael Nothnagel (University of Cologne).

For additional information, course schedule and application form please
visit the course website:

2016 International Society of Nurses in Genetics (ISONG) World Congress

Abstract submission is now open for the ISONG World Congress on August 4-6, 2016 at the Royal Marine Hotel in Dun Laoghaire, Dublin.

Further information can be found in this link.

Save the date!

The annual scientific meeting of the Irish Society of Human Genetics will return to Belfast on 9th September 2016.

More details to follow.